Catherine Scully

Catherine Scully

Thursday 6 August 2015

JI's Presentation

Hello!! everybody!
Would you give me a hand? ^^

<presentation about Egon Schiele>
Today I'm going to tell you about a great painter Egon Schiele.
First of all, I will show you a shot film about Egon Schiele.
If someone likes to draw, the person must know Egon Schiele.
I think the self-portraits that Egon Schiele drew have more reflection of humam's mind
than Gogh or Rembrant's drawing because when I see the eyes in his portraits, I can feel strong energy.
Schiele was born in 1890 in Tulln, neighboring towns of vienna.
Egon Schiele lived a short life of 28 years old although he has revolutionized art in Austria and a great sensation to art in Europe. Also till now huge impacted as a painter, he is in a expressionism league of his own.
His father, Adolf Schiele, was the station master of the Tulln station and drawing artist so many influences of Egon Schiele.
As a child, Schiele was fascinated by trains, and would spend many hours drawing them,
to the point where his father felt obliged to destroy his sketchbooks so he got a terrible shocked.
I shocked also because it's pictuer drew children I don't belive that.
When Schiele was 14 years old, his father died from syphilis
when he was 16 years old  applied at the School of Arts and Crafts in Vienna but there teach classes were very conservative that he really dislikes them so quit he's school.
Egon Schiele was influenced by Gustav Klimt so in his early period he tried to drew a like Klimt's
but gradually his work reflected the negative side of human's mind unlike Klimt's.

Munch’s childhood was not really happy. He lost his mother and sister when he was young.
Because of that reason the most theme of his painting was about fear or panic.
Egon Schiele's childhood was similar to munch’s.
He lost his father when he was fourteen. And his mother abandoned him, so his uncle took care of him since then.

Egon Schiele was also influenced by Lautrec. The simplicity, movement, texture and accurate description like a cartoon in Lautrec’s painting were the major influence to Egon Schiele.
Egon Schiele had two women in his life.
One was a his model,' Wally Neuzil' who was introduced by Klimt. She had been with him for four years but Egon Schiele left her for financially stable life and get married with another woman, 'Edith Harms'.
In 1915, Schiele chose to marry the more socially acceptable Edith, but had apparently expected to maintain a relationship with Wally.
where Wally's portrait is based on a previous pairing, but Schiele's is newly struck.
However, when he explained the situation to Wally, she left him immediately and never saw him again
Despite some opposition from the Harms family, Schiele and Edith were married.
After his wife,Edith Harms, pregnancy, Egon Schiele was very happy and his happiness was transformed into his painting.
Waiting for his unborn baby he painted a happy family in nude. But after 6 month pregnancy, Edith Harms died from spain flu and 3 days later Egon Schiele also died with same disease.

Influences by Egon schiele

HUNDERTWASSER (1928~2000 )
He was an Austrian artist and architect and ecologist.
Intense colors and organic form their own peculiar realm as well as played out,
and also participated actively in environmental movement, contending that the coexistence of humans and nature.
He poured at the building in the faith is ‘There is no linear in nature, and he is naturally along with
all the creatures of this land must live.’
He is the capital's poor construction, their life to humans and nature coexist in harmony as a place that transformed
‘Building a therapist’ obtained the name called.

He was an American fashion and beauty illustrator trained in New York who found success in Europe. From the late 1970’s his works appeared in Vogue, Marie Claire and La Monde.
Viramontes was one of the few illustrators to thrive in the swiftly-moving fashion world, “It is essential to capture the image, not a detail, not a garment or an expression, but an impression” said Viramontes.
Viramonte died in 1988 at the age of 28 of AIDS.

KI-DUK KIM (1960 ~ present) Korean Writer, Director, Producer.
He studied fine arts in Paris in 1990~1993.
After returning to South Korea, he began his career as a screen writer. and won the a lot international film festival many time.
In 2012 his file ‘Pieta’ received the Golden Lion winner award at the Venice Film Festival,
the first korean film to receive a‘best film’ honor at one of the top three international film festivals-Venice, Berlin and Cannes.

Egon Schiele was influenced eroticism by Klimt, technique by Lautrac, and the emotional expression on painting by Munch.
although he was influenced by  Klimt, Lautrac, and Munch he built own style.
We call Egon Schiele as a leader if Expressionism.
Egon Schiele had extraodinary skill for express human’s deep inside mind.
That is why I like Egon Schiele so much!!!

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